The Murder of the Romanovs

The Murder of the Romanovs

Churchill's Angels

Churchill's Angels

The Murder of the Romanovs

Publication Date15th February 2010

Book FormatHardback





Based on exclusive access to MI5 documents and newly discovered Russian papers, the true fate of the Romonov family.
Regular Price £20.00 Online Price: £10.00
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Based on exclusive access to MI5 documents and newly discovered Russian papers, the true fate of the Romonovs. The overthrow and execution of Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Imperial family is a cause celebre of twentieth-century history. Andrew Cook's re-investigation of the story finally solves one of the greatest mysteries of world history. The author draws upon new forensic evidence and newly discovered British and Russian Secret Service records reveal the truth about the family's murder, the proposed British rescue of the Imperial family led by Major Stephen Alley, and the Secret Service mission inside Russia after the family's reported deaths to discover the truth about their fate.

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