The Best of a Good Job
In Industry and Government from 1960 to 1990
- Author(s):
- John P. Evans
15th May 2018
‘Little is known about managerial careers but surely John Evans’ journey through diverse engagements in both the public and the private sectors, with international experience, is revealing. Bringing an acute intelligence to the portrayal of the journey, interwoven with a rich family and personal life, Evans does us a service in providing evidence of the mixture of luck and foresight in a successful career. All those interested in understanding managerial careers will find this volume packed with suggestive insights.’
Emeritus Professor Peter Abell, London School of Economics
‘Few in Britain now have any experience of industrial strategy, though it is seen as essential as we move towards Brexit. John Evans is an exception, having been seconded from BICC in 1976 to work for the National Economic Development Office – the engine-room of 1970s UK industrial strategy. Against a background of British commercial complacency, difficult industrial relations, and economic crisis, his is a fascinating insight into a very different world.’
Emeritus Professor Hugh Pemberton, University of Bristol
‘In The Best of a Good JobJohn Evans provides an interesting and illuminating career journey through a variety of private and public organisations during a period of substantial economic and political change. Written with a good deal of humour and personal anecdotes, Evans draws very perceptive parallels between the organisations, and offers insightful commentary on leading industrialists, trade unionists and politicians of the 1960-1990 era. The reader cannot fail to be impressed with his wide range of experiences in many countries, and from my personal perspective, with the innovative and successful period in the latter part of his career in Bexley London Borough.’
Melvyn Checketts, Director of Development Services (1986–2001), London Borough of Bexley