Rich Men Poor Men
Ryersons on the Titanic
- Author(s):
- Phyllis Ryerse
15th December 2012
When Titanic sailed on her maiden voyage she carried two cousins. one, one of the richest men aboard and the other a steward in Second Class. Both Ryersons had never met and never knew each other was on board but their unique tale is told by Phyliss Ryerse, a relative herself of both. As the ship went down, Steward William Ryerson made it into lifeboat 9, while Arthur Ryerson placed his family into boat 4. The Ryersons had been making a rushed dash back to the USA, after the death of their son in an automobile accident. Little did Emily Ryerson know that both her son and husband would die so tragically. William Ryerson, a cousin of one of the richest men aboard, had been born in Canada but had served with the British Army before becoming a steward aboard Titanic. Phyllis Ryerse tells the story of the Ryersons aboard Titanic and illustrates the story with many unseen images.