Railways of the Middle East

The British Influence

Publication Date15th March 2020

Book FormatPaperback





Examining the tremendous influence of Great Britain on the railways of the Middle East, with a wealth of unpublished images.
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The ‘British’ period in the Middle East began with Lawrence of Arabia's attacks on the Hedjaz Railway in the First World War and the eventual defeat of the Ottoman Empire. It ended with the creation of the state of Israel after the stormy British mandate in Palestine. New international routes were established into Egypt and western Lebanon. There was also a powerful British influence on the railways of Iraq, Egypt and Sudan.

This book is divided into chronological periods: pre-1918, the interwar years, and 1939 to the present day. All manner of British-built locomotives and rolling stock, whether purpose-built or hastily requisitioned in wartime, saw service all over this fascinating region, and this book attempts to show that variety.

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