Doctor Crippen

Doctor Crippen

Doncaster Pubs

Doncaster Pubs

Doncaster and District

from the James Simonton Collection

Publication Date15th November 2012

Book FormatPaperback





Stunning picture postcard views of Doncaster and the surrounding area from noted local photography firm J.S. & S.
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The firm of James Simonton & Sons (J.S. & S.) produced thousands of picture postcard views of Doncaster and the surrounding area at the dawn of the twentieth century. James Simonton, born in Dublin in 1861, and founder of the J.S. & S. business, worked during the period 1910 - 1950, which is currently recognised as the heyday of topographical postcard views. The postcard allowed anyone to send a picture of their town, village or street to a relative in any part of the country, and most cost a penny or less and could be posted with a halfpenny stamp. J.S. & S. photographed virtually every street and numerous local events in towns and villages within a 25-mile radius of Doncaster during a time of radical change. Their pictures have outstanding clarity, are beautifully composed and are full of incidental details. Over the years noted Yorkshire author Peter Tuffrey has become adept at discovering treasures from a number of Doncaster's photographers. He has produced books on Edgar Leonard Scrivens and Luke Bagshaw and this new one on J. Simonton & Sons is just as fascinating and visually striking.

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