Shropshire's Military Heritage

Shropshire's Military Heritage

Through Spain with Wellington

Through Spain with Wellington

Somerset's Military Heritage

Series: Military Heritage

Publication Date15th April 2018

Book FormatPaperback





This book will be of interest to all those who would like to know more about Somerset’s remarkable military history.
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The serene and tranquil countryside of Somerset is an unlikely setting for a rich military history that stretches back thousands of years. Somerset has it all, from Iron Age hill forts to castles constructed in the aftermath of the Norman Conquest of England in the eleventh century; from the site of the last battle fought on English soil between the royal army of James II and the rebel army of James Scott to noteworthy military figures like Sir Robert Blake; and from the memorials and memories of the First World War to the vast range of buildings and structures constructed during the Second World War. This book looks at the role and locations of the many features, buildings and structures that still stand proud today.
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