A-Z of Canterbury
Series: A-Z
- Author(s):
- Naomi Dickins
15th October 2020
The city of Canterbury is renowned as the seat of the worldwide Anglican Church and its iconic cathedral is, indeed, a unique and remarkable edifice. However, there is far more to explore in this compact and vibrant city on the Great Stour; its Roman ruins stand alongside thriving university establishments and this former stronghold of the Kentish Celts has witnessed rebellion, murder and war, whilst welcoming fleeing refugees and nurturing the talents of writers, artists and adventurers. History tumbles into the present in the city’s meandering medieval streets and there are colourful surprises around every corner.
In this book, author Naomi Dickins takes readers on an engaging tour of the city to discover the people, places and events that have played their part in its history across the ages. From St Augustine to V-1 flying bombs, Geoffrey Chaucer to Rupert Bear and peaceful pilgrims to raiding Danes, this book offers a fascinating and intriguing insight into Canterbury’s heritage.
A–Z of Canterbury will be of great interest to local residents and the many visitors who make their way to the historic city throughout the year.
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