British Motor Fishing Vessels

British Motor Fishing Vessels

The Cornish Fishing Industry

An Illustrated History

Publication Date15th May 2014

Book FormatPaperback





Mining and Fishing have been the staple industries of Cornwall for two millennia. John McWilliams looks at the rise and decline of Cornish fishing in this new history.
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Since man first inhabited the United Kingdom, he has fished for food. The rich waters of Cornwall, where the English Channel, Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean meet, have always proved to have a bountiful harvest for the fisherman, with all types of fish - from pilchards to herring, langoustine to crab, and everything in between - being caught in Cornish waters. The variety of fish and crustaceans created unique fishing craft, with many being built locally. John McWilliams takes us through the types of fish, the techniques and the vessels used to catch them, and gives us an informative and readable history of the Cornish Fishing Industry.

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