1945 The Second World War in the Air in Photographs

1945 The Second World War in the Air in Photographs

A 1950s Childhood

A 1950s Childhood

1950s Childhood: Spangles, Tiddlywinks and The Clitheroe Kid

Explore what it was like to be a child in the 1950s

Publication Date15th November 2013

Book FormatPaperback





A book recalling what it was like to be a child in the 1950s, including home life, school days, music and fashions.
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With few TVs, children in the 1950s made their own entertainment: they played conkers, built dens and go-karts, climbed trees and re-enacted fights from the latest cinema blockbuster. Food was, for many years, still rationed and bought from the local corner shop. There was no pre-packed food, frozen food or many of the other luxuries that we take for granted today. Families would gather around the radio to hear the latest dramatizations such as the incredibly popular show Dan Dare, which was sponsored by Horlicks and was first broadcast in 1951. A trip to the cinema included a Pathe News reel, cartoons and a double bill featuring the latest movies. Much has changed for children over the years and this book shows what life was once like for the children of the 1950s including home life, school days, music and fashions.

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